Information to opt-out of Child Tax Credit

Information to opt-out of Child Tax Credit

Important changes to the Child Tax Credit will help many families get advance payments of the Child Tax Credit starting in the summer of 2021. Half the total credit amount will be paid in advance monthly payments and you will claim the other half when you file your...
Newsletter July 23, 2021

Newsletter July 23, 2021

How is Cryptocurrency Taxed?Cryptocurrency has headlined many news articles, served as the subject of social media posts, and gained significant traction in mainstream culture. Bitcoin, the first digital currency, has grown exponentially in recent years …Kiplinger...
Do Nonprofits Ever Pay Taxes?

Do Nonprofits Ever Pay Taxes?

When you think about a nonprofit, the first thing that often comes to mind is that it is tax-exempt. Most nonprofits are not subject to federal, state, and local income tax. Does that mean nonprofits are completely free of ANY tax liability? The answer to this is...