Newsletter July 23, 2021

Newsletter July 23, 2021

How is Cryptocurrency Taxed?Cryptocurrency has headlined many news articles, served as the subject of social media posts, and gained significant traction in mainstream culture. Bitcoin, the first digital currency, has grown exponentially in recent years …Kiplinger...

Newsletter July 15, 2021

Do This If You Want To Opt Out Of The Child Tax CreditAmericans are merely days away from the launch of the new Child Tax Credit on July 15, 2021. While the credit has been around since the Clinton Administration, the version from the Biden Administration is projected...

Do Nonprofits Ever Pay Taxes?

Do Nonprofits Ever Pay Taxes?

When you think about a nonprofit, the first thing that often comes to mind is that it is tax-exempt. Most nonprofits are not subject to federal, state, and local income tax. Does that mean nonprofits are completely free of ANY tax liability? The answer to this is...

How to Make Estimated Tax Payments

How to Make Estimated Tax Payments

f you are paid a salary and receive a W-2 from your employer, part of your paycheck goes to Uncle Sam as federal withholding. These are payments toward your taxes. If you earn additional income beyond your salaried income, if you are under-withheld, or if you have your own business, you may need to make estimated tax payments through the tax year. These estimated tax payments can be made on a quarterly basis.