Don’t Pay Too Much Self-Employment Tax
Are you self-employed? If so, it’s important to make sure that you’re not paying too much in self-employment taxes. This type of tax is meant to cover your Social Security and Medicare contributions, but it can be easy to pay too much if you’re not careful. Here, we will discuss how to make sure that you’re not overpaying on your …
Innovation & Tech Today

Do Canadians Really Pay More Taxes Than Americans?
A common belief among many Canadians is that they pay more in income tax than their American counterparts. Even politicians in Parliament have used this …

4 Ways To Procure Extra Funds For Your Business
One of the fastest and most convenient ways to get some extra cash is to take out a small business loan. A small business loan is used to finance …
Finance Monthly
Why Interest Rates Affect Everyone
Interest rates affect the decisions you make with money. Some of these are obvious – think about how much more money you would stick in your savings …
Are You Wearing Blinders That Could Spoil Your Financial Decisions?
Attend a horse race – perhaps at Santa Anita, Keeneland or Churchill Downs – and you will see some horses wearing blinders as they gallop down the track …

How Old Is Too Old? Getting A Mortgage Later In Life
There are many lenders who have strict criteria and maximum age limits when it comes to approving mortgages, however, there are specialist lenders …
Finance Monthly

Stagflation vs Recession: What’s the Difference?
Stagflation and recession are increasingly being used to describe where the economy might be headed. The World Bank warned on Tuesday that global …
USA Today
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