Ways to Increase Your After-Tax Investment Returns
Taxes are a drag. A drag on your investment return, that is. Dividends are taxable, interest income is taxable and capital gains are taxable. Your after-tax investment return – what you keep, not make, on your investment portfolio – could be lower than you think. And with tax rates probably trending higher, now …

How Is Crypto Taxed?
Cryptocurrency’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, and Uncle Sam is ready to collect. Around 16% of adult Americans — approximately 40 …

Top Fraudsters: 3 Of The Most Famous Ponzi Schemes
Named after the Italian con artist Charles Ponzi, a Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud where existing investors are paid with funds from new investors …
Finance Monthly

Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA: What’s the Difference?
Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are tax-advantaged vehicles designed for long-term savings and investment to build a nest egg for one’s post-career …

Less Than Half are Confident They’ll Have Enough for Retirement
The vast majority of workers dream of one day retiring with enough money put away to live out their golden years in style. But for some, a comfortable …

A financial shock could wreck retirees’ finances: Here’s how to be ready
You might not be planning to experience unexpected financial shocks in retirement. But you should be according to the results of a survey recently …
USA Today

Emerging Financially Healthy After a Gray Divorce
Laura and Caroline are in their late 50s. Friends since meeting at a playgroup for their toddlers, both were in long-term, seemingly happy marriages …

State law requires high school students to take financial literacy course
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week signed legislation into law requiring that high school students in the state take a financial literacy course in …
Fox Business