Overlooked Tax Deductions for the Self-Employed
Thanks to the pandemic and the “Great Resignation,” more people are leaving their traditional jobs and venturing out on their own. Self-employment can lead to more money, flexibility, control, or personal satisfaction, but …

How to File for a Tax Extension
Tax deadlines have a way of creeping up on you, so filing for a tax extension might be something you need to do at some point …

What Can You Do With Leftover Money In A 529 College Savings Plan?
Most families do not have any money leftover in their 529 college savings plan accounts. But, some do. There are several options for …
How to Convert a 401(k) to a Roth 401(k)
If you’ve been diligently saving for retirement through your employer’s 401(k) plan, you may be able to convert those savings into a …
This Key Inflation Measure Just Hit Another High
Paid more for just about everything this year? Expect to dig even deeper into your pockets in 2022. Consumer prices increased by 5.7% …

Minimum wage is about to rise in 21 states, 35 localities as more embrace $15 an hour
This was the year that low-wage workers finally gained significant bargaining power and wielded it to snare big pay increases …
USA Today

4 Smart Ways To Raise Cash Fast For An Emergency
A car title loan is an easy solution if you need money quickly. With a car title loan, you can get online title loans with no store visit …
Finance Monthly
Clever Ways to Gift Your Home to Your Kids
Transferring a home to adult children is not quite as easy as giving them the keys and letting them move in. No matter how you do it …
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