Tax Strategies for a Bonus or Windfall
Yes, it’s inevitable: That cash bonus for a job well done can result in you paying a more significant chunk of money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To start, the IRS considers bonuses to be supplemental wages, which …

Lower Taxes on Required Minimum Distributions
The buoyant stock market has swelled the amount of money Americans have in their retirement savings plans, which is undoubtedly a …

Can Going To College Benefit Your Finances?
Of course, you can only experience these advantages if you can afford the cost of college. Early planning can help ensure you can …
Finance Monthly
401(k) vs. IRA: What’s the Difference?
Saving for retirement is one of the most important financial goals that we need to achieve in our lifetime. The choice of which retirement …
How to Get Rid of PMI
Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is a type of insurance policy that protects your lender if you were to default on your mortgage payments …

Where to Find Emergency Cash
If you have an emergency fund, congratulations. But when emergencies pile up, should you drain the fund to cover every one of them? It’s …

What Are Bank Reserves?
Bank reserves is money that is held as cash by banks. The amount of cash that banks have to hold varies by country. Even in countries …
Investor Junkie
Dollar Tree makes it official: Items will now cost $1.25
Faced with the rising cost of goods and freight, discount retail chain Dollar Tree said Tuesday it will be raising its prices to …
ABC News
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